Thursday, June 5, 2008

day 1

so, i just got back from my fiiiiiirst run! well.... walk/run! i've decided to do the couch to 5k 'program'... so far i like it! i feel a sense of accomplishment, but also a feeling of how far i have to go! i guess the trick will be sticking to it, but that's what this is for, some accountability! so please, feel free to YELL at me if i'm not on plan! ok, maybe not YELL, but a good push in the right direction would be helpful!

maybe i should give a brief introduction... i'm a 26 yr-old woman, who is still struggling to figure out who i am. i've been the 'pretty face' and 'great personality' for all my life, meaning i've been the chubby friend. i'm slowly learning to love me for me, but slowly. i didn't start this running thing with the purpose to lose weight, but if it happens, it happens. :) i started mainly because there have been too many times over the years where i just want to run. run from sadness, run from heart ache, run from frustration, run from me.... but i'd get out there and not get very far, and then be even more frustrated than i was when i set out. i guess, simply put, my heart says run!

let's hope my body still says run tomorrow! hahah


Derek said...

Amanda, good luck with your running. I'll keep checking your blog to make sure you are out there, hitting the road. Just walk out the door and Go!!

jlou said...

Hi Amanda. Great job getting out there for your first run!

Matt Walker said...

Just found your blog on the complete running network. Keep it up. I'll keep checking in on ya!